New guidance on face covers
The government has recently updated their guidance with regard to face covers. Key highlights are as under:
Social distancing and personal hygiene are keys to prevent COVID 19 infections. Homemade face covers are a good method for maintaining personal hygiene. Therefore, it is now suggested that healthy people should use the handmade reusable face cover/masks, particularly when they step out of their house. Two sets of such face covers be made so that one can be washed while the other is used.
This type of face cover is not recommended for either health workers or those working with or in contact with COVID 19 patients or are patients themselves as these people are required to wear medical grade specified protective gear.
Hand washing would still remain essential criteria and hand should be washed before wearing the face cover. Such face covers should also not be thrown anywhere but kept safely, washed properly with soap and hot water and dried properly before they are used.
These face covers could be made out of clean cloth available at home, after being cleaned and washed. The face cover must cover the mouth and nose completely and can be tied over the face
Please don’t share the face covers, even with a member of your own family. Arrange for individual covers.
The government guidelines and instructions on how to make a face cover at home are available here. (Link)
Video on face covers: